Essay on “The Metamorphosis”

Posted: October 7, 2011 in Uncategorized

The relationship between Gregor and Grete is an ever changing, complex one, unlike the rest of the story’s relationships. The story itself is a rather strange one. Not very many stories’ main character take the form of a cockroach after awaking from sleep.  We see rather close to the beginning that Grete cares a good bit about her brother and probably always has. In paragraph 8 of section one it says she is lamenting outside of his door and asking if he is well.  So before this whole incident she seemed o love and care for her brother quite a bit. In section they all finally get to see Gregor in his new found sad, unusual form. No one takes to it very well not even his sister. For a while she cares enough to  give him his food and help him out in any way she can. After a while, however, no one seems to care anymore. This is probably why he eventually dies from lack of care. So to adress wheteher she cares for him or not. She did, they all did earlier.  After seeing him all changed, they eventually lost their care for him! I would attemp to explain this relationships contribution to the novella as a whole, but it is just so comple that i’m not even sure what it is. On thing is for sure though. Although there is only one problem, all he characters changed just as Gregor did.

Rare Bell Crickets Only Come Once

Posted: September 29, 2011 in Uncategorized

1.)An onlooking third person. Maybe an older more experienced wise man based the information we ge from the story.

2.)The grasshopper is the general, normal, expected person. The bell cricket symbolizes a rare, once in a lifetime person.

3.)Yes, they straight up state it. That through out our life we will find people that we like and they are all great and come to find out that they are not. We’ll also come across people that we take for granted and we find out that we love them.

Questions on “Love Medicine”

Posted: September 28, 2011 in Uncategorized

1.)He changes a little bit but not much. People usually stay the same through out life unless they have to adapt to situations.  He gains a little self-confidence after being told hat he dosen’t need to take the love medicine because the girls should like him anyways just the way he is. we learn through him that their is no special remedy for love, that true love comes from within. No “medicine” can replace that.

2.)It has the same meaning through out the story. But the more you read you seem to get a more applicable modern meaning of it through your own interpretation. In the story its just a medicine that envokes love even though we know it really dosen’t. In modern times it would be anything we use to get people to love us. Money is a really good example.

3.)Yeah, its totally off subject. Reading that small portion was informational but I really didn’t see the point in it. Well the only arousal of expectations I had was that I thought that he had some significant importance in telling them but it was kind of pointless. Their part in the plot I can see. They let us know more about Lipsha’s thought process. That hes not just some guy. He thinks rather intelligently. I don’t really see how it relates to everyone else other than those involved in the story. Yeah they’re related slightly because they tell us a little about Lipsha. 

1.)Because it seems to make good material for a childrens book. The way it keeps the reader interested with the storyline and the creativity.

2.)Well the mom is annoyed by him. He is getting in the way of her being able help her sick child. I assume that the kid likes him. To me he seems to play a role like he is the kids guardian angel in a way. The arrive at their interpretations from  first glnce.Just the first sight of him makes their first impression.  Later on, however, the began to judge him by the way he acted he semmed to kepp to himself. How they view him is a direct reflection of how they are. I do not know any of these characters personaly but I could probably draw a good conclusion based on their interpretation of him.

3.)Because he just not as impressive the first time. They just wanted to see him. Because she never liked him.

Questions on the “Birth-mark”

Posted: September 19, 2011 in Uncategorized

1.) If the birthmark were shaped differently such  as an oval, then it would’nt stand out as much. Its symbolic meaning in the story would change entirely. The birthmark changes its opacity based on the emotions she is exhibiting. When she begins blushing and her face turns red the birthmark fades back. When her face turns pale for what ever reason the birthmark reddens and stands out. The mark represnts earthly imperfection. The mark seems to have to some similarity to the “thorn in the flesh” described in 2 Corinthians by Paul. My reasoning for this is that Paul’s “thorn” what ever it was, was keeping him from being perfect, from getting to full of himself. It was a reminder from God that He is the only perfect being. This birthmark serves close to the same purpose. Had it not be for her birthmark she would be flawless.

2.)Well, it shows his knowledge. He is a very scientifically prestigous man. Which is the only reason that he had faith that he could mend the imperfection of his nearly perfect wife. Yes because of how the outcomes between the guys were so different.

3.)The figures of speech change the readers point of view on the individual settings as they change. The imagery included complements the symbolism of the story as a whole. Making it slightly easier to understand the allegory.

1.) It allows the reader to build up questions. It also adds suspense to knowing the setting. After that he tells her that he used to live in Moscow.

2.)It almost changes everything, but it’s interesting to hear. The author is really descriptive on describing the setting. It really makes a big difference in the feeling the reader gets.

3.)I think that he liked it, he kind of started the whole affair with the kiss in the dark. He got bored of her going on about her being so bad at fault. She feels terrible and regrets it. She speks of how she could not help herself, she was out of control. She hates that the situation even happened. The dialogue is an indication that they weren’t ready, it just kind of happened. They don’t plan things like that, no one does they just happen.

Questions about Recitatif

Posted: September 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

1.)I think they are both equally reliable. Now we see the stuff that was going on from a future perspective. It changes your perspective completely because we find that they didn’t do it after all.

2.)When Roberta introduces her mother to Twylla. Because at first she had a racist perspective on her and said she was a wearing a big cross and holding a bible. No im sticking to it the whole time that Twylla is the black and Roberta is white because the whole story seems to go along with it. To provoke and enlighten. To challenge to come up with our own conclusions.

3.)They eventually learn to appreciate each other and become great friends. Despite their racial differences.

Questions on barn burning

Posted: September 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

1.)He seems to be a tempermental man, driven by jealousy. At least in paragraph forty thats the way it seems. Because of his past. His past has made him the man he is now. Because of the narration and point of view, you don’t see him the way the characters do, the reader feels slight sympathy towards him.

2.)Sarty seems to be the protagonist. I would say hes my favorite character because even though hes young, hes bold and isn’t afraid to say whats on his mind. Yeah he changes a little bit due to the flashforwards but its not really that he changes but your view of him does.

3.)They contribute a good bit despite that not much is said about them. The sisters seem to get in the way of what Sarty wants to do, while the mother is supportive. I really can’t say much about the older brother.

1.) It speaks in any of them that it wants to depending on what what the author wants. In third person the narrator refers to pple as he, she, or they. In second they refer as you. in first they say me and I.

2.)in general, the past works better. not really

3.)yeah to covey clues that a character or a narrators perspective is limited.

4.)sometimes the narrator is a character and sometimes they’re not.

5.)Yeah when the time is right. It especially apparent in preaching at churches.

6.)No, i mean it really depends on if you can relate to them.

7.)yeah it helps the reader move what they’re focusing on.

8.)there are differences of understanding and there are similarities.

Newfound Passion

Posted: August 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

The man named Henry has revealed to me

How the art of a couplet, should be expressed to thee

 I shall never stray away from my joy to be free

Just as I have I have fallen in love with writing couplets, you see